Avebury Panoramic Tour.
The only internet
site about
Avebury From Avebury.
A learning journey through
the history in Hampshire's
taken from
Daniel Defoe's Hampshire. 1724
Rob and Angela Dickens
run and ogranise this very
informative website on this,
a very famous Wiltshire village.
to the Vale of Pewsey in
the south, from Calne to the
eastern boundary of the county
lays the gentle undulating
Marlborough Downs,
sometimes known as the
Wessex Downs.
These downlands offer
great opportunities for
walkers and ramblers.
images in words and pictures
of this oldest of villages
in Wiltshire
Savernake is a surviving
remnant of one of Wiltshire's
ancient 'Royal Forests'
much beloved by Norman kings.
Today the forest is leased
to the Forestry Commission
and access is via
many paths and tracks.
It remains a place of
mystery and imagination
and an important habitat for
a number of wild birds,
plants and animals.
well researched
(what did you expect?)
from the BBC
and very nicely done too
another name for
The Marlborough Downs.
this site from the BBC's wonderful
Described as Britain's and
perhaps Europe's Oldest Road,
The Ridgeway is a 85 mile (137km)
route that follows the
chalk hills between
Overton Hill, near Avebury
and Ivinghoe Beacon in Hertfordshire.
This website, once more, from
the BBC
Five of the horses lay close to
one another within a five mile
radius of Avebury which lies
in the very centre of the Wiltshire Downs;
three further horses lie a
short distance further away.
All may be visited by road or
via track-ways, the old lines of
communication in this area.